I vrroom vrooom vroom this one so much I am gonna try to link it on my facebook, hi how are you?, stay away from the vulcans much at Winter Carnival? Montana is snowy this time of year. Happy New One to you X) Megan
John Akre writes, draws, animates, makes videos and teaches. He believes that he is a living, breathing, thinking and being human animal, but his creator, Dr. Hubert Zork, one of the nation's least well-respected mad scientists, will tell you otherwise.
I vrroom vrooom vroom this one so much I am gonna try to link it on my facebook, hi how are you?, stay away from the vulcans much at Winter Carnival? Montana is snowy this time of year. Happy New One to you X) Megan
Hi Megan, Thanks for the com (short for comment). Hope you are enjoying the snow.
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